Askatasuna is squat, a social centre, a place often named by italian media as headquarter of violent activism, expecially related to the NO TAV movement. NO TAV is a movement against the construction of a very discussed railroad connecting Torino and Lyon. The riot, often with violent fights between activist and police, become a symbol of the protest in Italy, where the citizens are getting every day more unsatisfied and frustrated by the activity of the government. NO TAV and Askatasuna are often depicted as groups of dangerous fanatics.

Antifa Boxe is a popular boxing gymn with dozen of partecipants, the activity is managed by the squat and a group of volunteers. The idea is to use boxe and the values behind this sport as a vehicle to help people to find their paths through training sacrifice and sport. The name Antifa is a way to distinct themselves to commercial gymn that often led to the celebration of violence.

Askatasuna is often named also as potential headquarter for the black block movement, but there is nothing like violence, fear or danger in this squat, even if Askatasuna, in their own way, try to fight against a government that is undoubtly taking Italy to nowhere.

sebastiano vitale